
Let’s Talk Lifestyle: Feeling Lost

Hey, y’all! Today’s post has been really weighing on my mind. There has been been a lot of stuff happening in my life, and I’m sure you feel the same. On top of that, there’s just so much of everything that sometimes it can be overwhelming. As such, it’s pretty easy to get confused or not know which way to turn. To that end, pull up a chair and let’s talk feeling lost.

I’ve been feeling pretty out of sorts lately

It’s been a pretty weird experience. I’ve been contemplating switching out of software development, which was pretty much all I wanted to do as a kid, and into either personal training or physical therapy. Work has been generally dissatisfying as of late, and most of the people that I really enjoyed being around have left or are leaving.

I’ve been feeling like I’ve been struggling to communicate recently. Almost like there’s fog between myself and whoever I’m talking with. And it seems like more often than not, even in face to face interactions, meanings aren’t conveyed properly or are misconstrued. It’s been incredibly frustrating, to say the least.

On top of that, I’ve just been feeling stagnant overall. All of that has resulted in a state of bewilderment and confusion overall. Basically, I’m feeling lost. But that’s ok.

Feeling lost is a natural part of growing

One of the characteristics of a living organism is that it has to be able to develop. In humans, we start as newborns, unable to feed ourselves, and then continue to mature into adulthood. But beyond our physical aging, we change mentally as well. We learn how to read, write, and perform other skills. But most importantly, we learn more about who we are and our place in the world. The interesting part about that is that we might never fully realize everything about ourselves. And that’s ok.

As uncomfortable a feeling uncertainty is, it makes life more interesting as well as fostering our growth. We’re not always going to know what the right path is. That’s just how life is, unfortunately. So part of that process is discovering what makes us happy, developing passion, and using who we are as a guide for our lives.

Self-awareness is the first step

The hardest part about life is that we have to figure out who we are as people before we decide what we want. Doing the opposite is like building a house with no foundation. The house will either collapse or turn into something no one, including the builder, wants to live in. Unfortunately, this usually takes time and effort to figure out, and most modern societies aren’t geared towards this level of self-exploration.

That means we have to make time. We have to set aside time just for us, to sit down and explore our psyche. We have to take a moment out of our busy days to make sure that we’re actually working towards what we want out of life. It’s definitely tough, but I would argue that nothing truly fulfilling in life is easy and that it’s worth it to make this one life we live the best we can. So taking a few minutes a day to journal, meditate, and center ourselves is crucial to making sure that we have a target that we can see.

Just remember that since we constantly change, that means who we are and our target will probably change as well. This means that we need to periodically reevaluate ourselves and our goals to make sure we’re on that right path.

After you know your target, take aim and fire

That’s not saying that there shouldn’t be any planning toward our goals. But after a certain point, preparation has diminishing returns and we have to act. And action has benefits in of itself, like revealing things we never would’ve thought of and giving us confidence. But at the end of the day, a goal we aren’t actively striving towards is just a dream, so taking steps is as crucial as visualizing it.

There’s this concept that everything ever made was created twice: once in the mind and once in the physical plane. The creation in the mind is pretty straightforward; it’s when we visualize what we want and start making goals based on that. We then take that vision and work towards it in the physical world, in which we make the idea a reality. And that’s really the approach for our lives.

We shouldn’t let feeling lost get us down

Instead, we should look at it as a chance to grow. This feeling means that there are endless possibilities in front of us and we just need to decide which direction to orient ourselves. We should take this opportunity to make sure we’re caring for ourselves properly, we’re connecting with our loved ones, and stretching our brain muscles and figuring out the right path going forward.

Again, as uncomfortable as it might be, this feeling is a marker for change and a chance for us to grow into the people that we want to be. So next time you feel like this, don’t fret. Instead, jump at the chance to be better, and don’t let it pass you by.

Thanks for talking humans with me today. How do you approach feeling lost in life? Drop a comment below with your answer. Don’t forget to subscribe and share. Catch y’all next week! Adios!!

4 thoughts on “Let’s Talk Lifestyle: Feeling Lost”

  1. I think its a very important that everyone takes time to figure out who they are. Without really sitting down and figuring out your flaws and what makes you tick it becomes almost impossible to figure out the right path. It seems to be an imperative part of personal growth.

    “To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.”

    Eckhart Tolle

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